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May 15th-19th

By Mrs. Aimee KidderNo Comments

**Elementary Award Ceremony- Friday, May 19th (STUDENTS MUST WEAR UNIFORMS)


Test Schedule:

Math: Chapter 12 (Tuesday, May 16th)



Homework: Enjoy the summer and have fun!

I recommend working on basic multiplication and division facts to prepare for 4th grade!



Weekly Focus:

Review skills in each subject!

May 15-19, 2023 Half-Days

By Mrs. Kathryn MiltonNo Comments

Half-days: May 15-18: Monday – Thursday 8:00-11:30 Lunch will not be served. If your child attends after care, please make sure your child has a lunch to eat while in after care.

Elementary Awards –  Friday, May 19 @ 9:00. Students are to report directly to the sanctuary, not the classroom  and must be in school uniform.

Thanks for a great school year! Have a great summer!

May 15-19

By Mrs. Becca DornNo Comments


If your child needs to attend after school care, please be sure to read the email sent from Student Services.


Week of May 15

By Ms. Danielle RobertsNo Comments

Week of May 15, 2023


Monday- Thursday- Half Days 8-11:30am

Friday- Awards Ceremony in Sanctuary 9am, please wear school uniform

Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.

Test Schedule

Tuesday, May 16- Math Ch 11 Test

Wednesday, May 17- English Ch 12 Quiz


Math- study for test

Study for upcoming tests:

Math – Ch 11 Decimals: use Ch 11 Review pg 329-330 in Take Home Folder; write fraction and decimal for picture, write fraction or decimal on place value chart, write the decimal for fractions or mixed number, write fractions for decimal, compare decimals as less than or greater than, round to the nearest whole number and estimate sum or difference, adding and subtracting decimals, reading graphs

English- Ch 12: use workbook pages 141-143 exercises 2-3 to review for quiz: identifying verb as action or linking verb, identify the sentence pattern: SN V, SN V-t DO, SN V-t IO DO, SN LV PrN, SN LV PA; and identifying double negatives and correcting them in a sentence

Weekly Focus:

Reading- Charlotte’s Web: in class activities

Math- Ch 12: telling time to the nearest 5 minutes and minute

English- Ch 12: identify action and linking verbs, identify and correcting double negatives

Social Studies- Ch 6: A Nation Divided, North and South, Civil War


May 8-12, 2023 Last Full Week of School

By Mrs. Kathryn MiltonNo Comments

Last Day AR = May 12, 2023

Study Guide                         

Bible Lesson 31: Ezra Leads Worship

Memory Verse: John 4:23 But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him.

  1. The first return from the exile in Babylon was led by Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple; the second return was led by Ezra to restore worship and the knowledge of God’s Word; the third return was of Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall with the help of the Jewish people already in Jerusalem.
  2. The word worship means to attribute great worth to God.
  3. The illustration of mixing colored water represents the mixing of religions or cultures. When religions or cultures are mixed, beliefs and customs are blended or compromised.
  4. The danger of a believer marrying an unbeliever is two-fold: it can dilute the believer’s faith, and it can influence children away from faith in God.
  5. Ezra was astonished that the people had so quickly begun marrying unbelieving women, even though God forbade it and history had taught them about its dangers.
  6. Ezra led his people by example. He advised the Israelite men to send their unbelieving wives and children away.
  7. When Ezra read the Word of God to the Israelites, it convicted, corrected, and instructed them. The power of God’s Word is seen when they were willing to stand for hours to listen and they were grieved over their sins and wanted to change.
  8. The Israelites showed respect by listening to God’s Word with undivided attention. They were sorry for their sins and rejoiced, worshiping God genuinely.
  9. The word fast means to go without eating for a time.

10.The word sackcloth refers to a rough and scratchy fabric often worn in Bible days to show         humility before God.

  1. A repentant and believing heart is required for salvation.
  2. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper symbolize Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
  3. The similarities between Old Testament worship and New Testament worship are:
  • To worship God for who He is
  • To read and teach God’s Word
  • To pray and praise
  • To sing and play music to glorify Him
  • To give tithes and offerings
  • To fellowship

The differences between them are:

  • Old Testament–rituals and sacrifices with feasts
  • New Testament–witnessing about Christ, the Lord’s Supper, and baptism.
  1. People in the Old Testament came to God through faith in God and in the coming Messiah. People in the New Testament and believers today also come to God through faith, but it is faith in Christ’s completed work–His death, burial, and resurrection.
  2. A relationship with God can be improved through learning His Word, trusting Him, praying, praising Him, worshiping Him, tithing, fasting, and witnessing.

Spelling Lesson 34

elite – the best of a group

liberty – the state of being free

quiche – a pie with an egg-and-cream mixture and meat and vegetable ingredients

traitor – a person who betrays another’s trust

trophy – an award given in acknowledgment of a victory

essays – nonfiction writings about personal points of view

bureau – 1. A chest of drawers; a dresser 2. An office or agency

plateau – a level area of land that is raised sharply above adjacent land on at least one side

bizarre – odd

attorney – a lawyer

ensemble – a group of performers

government – the act or process of having control; people who rule

energy – effort; power

gaseous – having the form of gas

telescope – a device used for viewing objects at a distance

luminosity – the state of emitting or reflecting light

composition – the different parts of which something is made

astronomer – a person who makes observations of matter that is outside of the earth’s atmosphere; space scientist

constellations – groups of stars

contemporary – happening during the same period of time; modern; current


Test Schedule for May 8 – 12, 2023

No Spelling Pretest this week

Bible Test – Lesson 30 Daniel Tuesday, May 9

Bible Test – Lesson 31 Ezra Friday, May 12

Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story Comprehension Friday, May 12

Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, May 11

Spelling Word Test – Friday, May 12

Read and Comprehend Cold Read – Friday, May 12

Language – Capitalization rules test Friday, May 12

Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework (i.e., math)

Study for upcoming tests.

Read AR for 20 minutes each night

Weekly Focus: May 8-12, 2023

Bible – Ezra Leads Worship – Lesson 31

Reading – Small Steps Part III

Math – Chapter 10

Language – Unit 9 Capitalization Rules

Social Studies – The Colonies Unite

May 8-12 Last FULL week of School

By Mrs. Becca DornNo Comments

Tuesday-“New Seniors” Parade:  Tuesday, May 9th.  Pep Squad needs to wear their Pep Squad outfits to school.  DON’T FORGET POM-POMS!!

Wednesday- Chapel at 8:10

Friday- Wear a Christian t-shirt with uniform bottoms OR jeans. School shoes.

Reminder AR goals must be met by May 12. I have been giving lots of extra time to read and take tests. 




Bible Verse— Recite

Philippians 1:6 God began doing a good work in you. And he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again. I am sure of that.

Spelling Words— compound words

inside               forever             sometimes       grandmother

outside            anything          basketball        early

without            butterfly          sunburned       busy

forgave            underline         newspaper

Sunday            flashlight         grandfather

Classwork: please do not work ahead

Monday  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spelling p.137 p. 138-139 p.140 Test p 141
Cursive p.  157 p.158 p.159 p.160


p 161
Bible p. 135-134 p.135-136 Chapel  Test

Turn in Packet

ABC’s of Salvation Review
Reading p. 337-338

p 339-340 grade

p 341-342 Fluency Test Comprehension Skills Test Epic books
Language Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay
Math p.373-374 TEST REVIEW

p. 375-376

Cumulative Test Chapters 1-11 Skills Review Skills Review
Social Studies Thomas Jefferson Mini Book Thomas Jefferson Mini Book Map Skills Packet Map Skills Packet Map Skills Packet

Test Schedule

Test Schedule: (The Students want to test on Thursday with me as I will be out Friday for my sons graduation from college.)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Fluency Test

Math Test

Spelling Test

Bible Verse and Story Test

Comprehension Skills Test

Week of May 8

By Ms. Danielle RobertsNo Comments

Week of May 8, 2023


Wednesday, May 10- Chapel

Friday, May 12- Christian T-shirt

Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.

Test Schedule

Wednesday, May 10- Social Studies Ch 5 Test

Thursday, May 11- Math Speed Drill

Friday, May 12- Bible Test 33

Reading Comp Quiz

Spelling Test 34


Math- worksheet in homework folder due Thursday; continue practicing division and multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.

Spelling List 34 – study these words for test:

  1. where
  2. cents
  3. weight
  4. peace
  5. wear
  6. piece
  7. wait
  8. road
  9. two
  10. rode
  11. too
  12. rowed
  13. to
  14. their
  15. sense
  16. there
  17. scents
  18. they’re
  19. once
  20. entire

Bible- memorize Memory Verse:  Matthew 28:19, “So go and make followers of all people in the world.  Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school.

Study for upcoming tests:

Math – Speed Drill, students will have 3 minutes to divide by 9

Social Studies- Ch 5: Louisiana becomes a state; use summary handout to review for test and Compare Graphs pg 92-93 in textbook: identify and read pictographs, bar graphs, and circle graphs, drawing bar graphs; vocab- territory, legislature, industry, cash crop

Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home folder

Reading- Comprehension Quiz- students read a short story and answer questions about it using the story.

Weekly Focus:

Bible- the Great Commission- praying, giving, evangelizing, be a missionary: Billy Graham, Cam Townsend, Ida Scudder, Count Zinzendorf, Loren Cunningham; vocab: harvest, fund

Reading- Charlotte’s Web: in class activities

Math- Ch 11: add and subtract decimals (p 323-324), problem solving: decimals (p 325-326), graphs (p 327-328), review (p 329-330)

English- Ch 12: classify sentences with mixed patterns, identify action and linking verbs, identify double negatives

Social Studies- Ch 5: Compare Graphs; Review, vocab- territory, legislature, industry, cash crop

May 8th-12th

By Mrs. Aimee KidderNo Comments

Bible verse: 2 Peter 1:3

Jesus has the power of God. His power has given us everything we need to live and to serve God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus called us by his glory and goodness.


Spelling List: 34

List: 34

  1. where
  2. cents
  3. weight
  4. peace
  5. wear
  6. piece
  7. wait
  8. road
  9. two
  10. rode
  11. too
  12. rowed
  13. to
  14. their
  15. sense
  16. there
  17. scents
  18. they’re
  19. once
  20. entire



Test Schedule:

****English: Posttest (Wednesday, May 10th)



Social Studies: Chapter 8 (Thursday, May 11th)


Bible:  Chapter 34 (Friday, May 12th)

Spelling: List 34 (Friday, May 12th)


Looking forward…….

****Math: Chapter 12 (Tuesday, May 16th)



Weekly Focus:

  • Bible- Chapter 34 The Life of Jesus (no vocabulary this week)
  • Reading- Charlotte’s Web– in class project
  • Math- Chapter 12 Time and money, time to the nearest hour and minute, identifying coins, and making change
  • English- Posttest (A review of all skills learned in English)
  • Social Studies- Chapter 8 The Government of Louisiana

Important vocabulary: jury, volunteer, executive branch, mayor


May 8-12

By UncategorizedNo Comments

Bible Verse— Recite

Philippians 1:6 God began doing a good work in you. And he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again. I am sure of that.

Spelling Words— compound words

inside               forever             sometimes       grandmother

outside            anything          basketball        early

without            butterfly          sunburned       busy

forgave            underline         newspaper

Sunday            flashlight         grandfather

Classwork: please do not work ahead

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spelling p.137 p.138 p. 139 p. 140 Test
Cursive p.  157 p.158 p. 159 p. 160

Turn in Packet

Bible p. 133-134 p. 135 Chapel p. 136 Test
Reading p.337-338

p. 339-340 Grade


p. 341-342 Fluency Test Comprehension Skill Test Book Review: Characters


Language Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay
Math p.373-374


Test Review

p. 375-378

Cumulative test chapters 1-11



Skill Review


Skill Review


Social Studies Thomas Jefferson Mini Book Thomas Jefferson Mini Book Map Skills Packet Map Skills Packet Map Skills Packet


Test Schedule:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    Fluency Test

Math Test

Comprehension Skills Test Spelling Test

Cursive Test

Bible Test


May 1-5, 2023

By Mrs. Becca DornNo Comments

Art Show Thursday, May 4: 6 pm-7 pm

Bible Verse— Recite

Acts 16:31 They said to him, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and all the people in your house.”

Spelling Words— final syllables with –er

after                other               master             brother           whole

never               winter             winner            discover          hole

father              paper              mother            summer

water              finger              number           computer

Classwork: please do not work ahead-

Monday  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spelling p.133 p. 134 p.135 p. 136 Test

Turn in Packet

Cursive p.  153 p.154 p.155 p.156 Test
Bible p. 129-130 p. 131 Chapel  p. 132 Test

Turn in Packet

Reading p. 325-326

327-328 grade

p. 329-330

Comprehension Test

p.331-332 p. 333-334 p 335-336
Language 5 Paragraph Research Essay 5 Paragraph Research Essay 5 Paragraph Research Essay 5 Paragraph Research Essay 5 Paragraph Research Essay
Math p. 363-364 p. 365-366 p. 367-368 

Adding 2 digits quiz

p. 369-370

2 digit addition word problems quiz

p. 371-372

Subtraction Quiz

Social Studies Study Guide Activity book p.  107-109 Review Bingo Chapter 5 Test Heritage Project Due + Discussion Research Activities

Test Schedule-

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Comprehension Test Social Studies Chapter 5 Test

Math Quiz

Social Studies Heritage Project Due

Math Quiz

Spelling Test

Cursive Test

Bible Test

Math Quiz

May 1-5, 2023

By Mrs. Kathryn MiltonNo Comments

Study Guide                         

Bible Lesson 30: Daniel Resolves to Follow God

Memory Verse Daniel 2:20 May the name of God be praised forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to him.

  1. God gave the Israelites laws to live by. Some laws included rules about what kinds of food they could not eat, such as meat sacrificed to other gods. They also could not eat certain kinds of meat, such as pork, shellfish, creatures that creep on the ground, and some birds.
  2. Daniel and his three friends were taken captive by the Babylonians because they had certain qualities, which included being young, having no defects, and being good-looking, wise, knowledgeable, teachable, and qualified.
  3. To obey God’s Law, Daniel made the decision not to eat the king’s food and asked the king’s official for permission not to defile himself. This took great courage and resolve. Daniel also showed wisdom in how he made the request.
  4. Resolve is the determination to maintain a firm decision.
  5. Daniel and his three friends showed courage, leadership, faithfulness, and resolve when they chose to remain obedient to God while submitting to their unbelieving captors.
  6. Blessings are not always material gifts. There are both; temporal, which means earthly or worldly, and eternal
  7. Although Daniel found himself in an enemy land, he continued to trust God completely and worship Him, regardless of the circumstances.
  8. God is omnipotent and omniscient; He revealed to Daniel the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a statue.
  9. The word interpret means to explain the meaning of something.
  10. A revelation is giving or the receiving of previously hidden knowledge.
  11. The parts of the statue represented four earthly kingdoms that would rule in and around the Middle East.
  12. King Belshazzar and his guests drank from vessels stolen from God’s temple. This was blasphemy, which means great disrespect shown to God.
  13. At King Belshazzar’s feast, a hand appeared and wrote mene, mene, tekel, parsin on the wall. Daniel interpreted the words to mean that God had numbered the days of Belshazzar’s reign, the king had been weighed and found wanting, and his kingdom was going to be divided.
  14. The Old Testament was mainly written in Hebrew.
  15. The book of Daniel was written in Hebrew and in Aramaic.
  16. The acronym PACT stands for praise, ask, confess, and thank.
  17. Daniel’s prayer to God included the components praise, ask, and confess.
  18. When a person praises God and confesses sin, it reveals a humble spirit.
  19. Daniel’s prayer for his people demonstrated his intimate relationship with God and his love and care for God’s people.
  20. Daniel showed that God blesses and uses faithful, obedient people.
  21. In any given situation, it is a person’s relationship with God that will sustain him or her.

Spelling Lesson 33

recount – to report; to tell in detail

accountable – responsible

expressive – full of feeling

impression – 1. a mark or imprint made by pressing in 2. belief; understanding

intended – planned; envisioned

tendency – an inclination in which somebody reacts or something behaves

aeronautics – the science of flight

astronaut – a person trained to perform tasks in space

astronomy – the scientific study of the order of the universe, including the stars and planets

autographs – written signatures

selenology – the study of the moon

tripod – a stand that has three legs for support at its base

mare – a dark, flat area on the moon’s surface

albedo – the fraction of light that is reflected by an object

phases – particular appearances in a recurring change of cycles

density – the amount of mass in a certain volume of space

craters – bowl-shaped depressions formed by the impact of an object

reflectivity – the brightness or luminosity of an object

satellite – an object that orbits a larger object

nomination – the state of naming someone to a position or proposing something for an award


Test Schedule for May 1-5, 2023

No Spelling Pretest this week

Bible Test – Lesson 29 Easter Tuesday, May 2

Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story Comprehension Friday, May 5

Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, May 4

Spelling Word Test – Friday, May 5

Read and Comprehend Cold Read – Friday, May 5

Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework (i.e., math)

Study for upcoming tests.

Read AR for 20 minutes each night

Weekly Focus: May 1-5, 2023

Bible – Daniel Resolves to Follow God – Lesson 30

Reading – Small Steps Part III

Math – Chapter 8

Language – Unit 9

Social Studies – Colonies

Week of May 1

By Ms. Danielle RobertsNo Comments

Week of May 1, 2023


Tuesday, May 2- Louisiana Industry Poster Project Due

Wednesday, May 3- Chapel

Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.

Test Schedule

Wednesday, May 3- English Ch 11 Test

Thursday, May 4- Math Speed Drill

Friday, May 5- Bible Test 32

Reading- Charlotte’s Web Ch 19-22

Spelling Test 33


Math- worksheet in homework folder due Thursday; continue practicing division and multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.

Spelling List 33 – study these words for test:

  1. title
  2. riddle
  3. jungle
  4. buckle
  5. people
  6. temple
  7. rumble
  8. trouble
  9. capable
  10. able
  11. settle
  12. handle
  13. double
  14. shuttle
  15. whistle
  16. sample
  17. sparkle
  18. vegetable
  19. planets
  20. history

Bible- memorize Memory Verse:  Galatians 6:9, “We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time. We must not give up!”

Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school.

Study for upcoming tests:

Math – Speed Drill, students will have 3 minutes to divide by 8

English- Ch 11: use workbook page 135 Chapter Checkup 56 to review for test, classifying sentences that are either pattern 1,2, or 3; editing sentences with quotes, vocab- generous and investigate

Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home folder

Reading- Charlotte’s Web Chapters 19-22, test will consist of comprehension questions (some multiple choice and short answer) and vocabulary (identifying definition and using the word in a sentence): languishing, carousing, gorge, trifle, desolation, forlorn

Weekly Focus:

Bible- Paul’s Journey to Rome: Shipwreck (Acts 27:9-12, 21-26, 33-38, 39-44), Ministry in Malta (Acts 28:1-10), Arrival in Rome(Acts 28:17-20,30-31)

Reading- Charlotte’s Web Chapters 21-22, vocab-languishing, carousing, gorge, trifle, desolation, forlorn

Math- Ch 11: relate fractions and decimals p313-314, compare and order decimals p315-316, read and write decimals p317-318, decimals with whole numbers p319-320, estimate sums and differences p321-322

English- Ch 12: classify sentences with mixed patterns, identify action and linking verbs, identify double negatives

Social Studies- Ch 5: King Cotton, Compare Graphs; Review, vocab- territory, legislature, industry, cash crop

May 1st-5th

By Mrs. Aimee KidderNo Comments

Bible verse: Matthew 28:19

So go and make followers of all people in the world.  Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Spelling List: 33

List: 33

  1. title
  2. riddle
  3. jungle
  4. buckle
  5. people
  6. temple
  7. rumble
  8. trouble
  9. capable
  10. able
  11. settle
  12. handle
  13. double
  14. shuttle
  15. whistle
  16. sample
  17. sparkle
  18. vegetable
  19. planets
  20. history

Test Schedule:

Reading: Charlotte’s Web Chapters 19-22 (Wednesday, May 3rd)

English: Chapter 19 (Wednesday, May 3rd)


Social Studies: Chapter 7 (Thursday, May 4th)


Bible:  Chapter 33 (Friday, May 5th)

Spelling: List 33 (Friday, May 5th)


Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (math homework will be graded) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)

  • Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.
  • Math- pages 335-336 (pages will be torn out and placed in the homework folder)



Weekly Focus:

  • Bible- Chapter 33 The Great Commission Important vocabulary: harvest- a crop ready to be gathered, fund- to provide money for something
  • Reading- Charlotte’s Web– Chapters 19-22
  • Math- Chapter 12 Time and money, time to the nearest hour and minute, identifying coins, and making change
  • English- Chapter 19 Fact and Opinion, Propaganda
  • Social Studies- Finish chapter 7 People of Louisiana

Important vocabulary: boom, rural, discrimination, boycott

May 1-5

By UncategorizedNo Comments


Art Show Thursday, May 4: 6 pm-7 pm

Bible Verse— Recite

Acts 16:31 They said to him, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and all the people in your house.”

Spelling Words— final syllables with –er

after                other               master             brother           whole

never               winter             winner            discover          hole

father              paper              mother            summer

water              finger              number           computer

Classwork: please do not work ahead

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spelling p.133 p.134 p. 135 p. 136 Test
Cursive p.  153 p.154 p. 155 p. 156 Test
Bible p. 129-130 p. 131 Chapel p. 132 Test
Reading p.325-326

327-328 grade

p. 329-330

Comprehension Test


p. 331-332 p. 333-334 p. 335-336


Language Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay Five Paragraph Research Essay
Math p. 363-364


p. 365-366 p. 367-368

Adding 2-digits quiz

p. 369-370

2-digit addition word problems quiz

p. 371-372

Subtraction Quiz

Social Studies Study Guide

Activity 107-109

Review Bingo Chapter 5 Test Heritage Project Due and Discussion Research Activities


Test Schedule:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


  Social Studies Test

Math Quiz

Social Studies Heritage Project Due

Math Quiz


Spelling Test

Cursive Test

Bible Test

Math Quiz


April 24-28

By Mrs. Becca DornNo Comments


Monday: STEAM night 5-8

Wednesday: Chapel @8:10 AM

Thursday: Spirit Day—Wear spirit shirt (Eagle Shirt) and jeans with school shoes

Sports award night 5:30-6:30

Bible Verse— Recite

1 Thessalonians 5:11 So comfort each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now.

Spelling Words— final syllable with –le

castle               waffle             bicycle             eagle                July

pickle              buckle             people             bubble            hours

jungle              puzzle             middle             uncle

turtle               ankle               whistle             apple

Classwork: please do not work ahead

Monday  Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spelling p.129 p. 130 p.131 p. 132 Test

Turn in Packet

Cursive p.149 p.150 p.151 p.152 Test

Turn in Packet

Bible p. 126-126 p. 127 Chapel p. 128 Test

Turn in Packet

Reading p. 316

Comprehension Test

p. 317-318 p.319-320 p. 321-322 p. 323-324


Language Acrostic Poem All About Poem 5 Words poem Simile Poem Book Review
Math p.353-354 p. 355-356 p. 357-358 p. 359-360 p. 361-362
Social Studies Classwork Activity 101 Classwork Activity 103-104 Activity 105

Test Schedule-

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Reading Comprehension  Social Studies Vocabulary Test 5.3 Spelling Test

Cursive Test

Bible Story & Verse Test



Week of April 24

By Ms. Danielle RobertsNo Comments

Week of April 24, 2023


Wednesday, April 26- Chapel

Each week, I will send home the test folder with the past week’s test graded for you to see and sign the signature form. Please return the test with graded tests in the folder the next day.

Test Schedule

Wednesday, April 26- Math Ch 10 Test

Friday, April 28- Bible Test 31

Reading- Comprehension Quiz

Spelling Test 32


Math- worksheet in homework folder due Thursday; continue practicing division and multiplication facts (0-10) using flash cards, IPAD, phone, computer, games, etc.

Spelling List 31 – study these words for test:

  1. taken
  2. broken
  3. cousin
  4. open
  5. lessons
  6. bacon
  7. buttons
  8. gallons
  9. eleven
  10. robin
  11. human
  12. common
  13. glisten
  14. sunken
  15. heavens
  16. frozen
  17. person
  18. happens
  19. sight
  20. expect

Bible- memorize Memory Verse:  Hebrews 10:24, “Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.”

Reading- read an A.R. book for 15 minutes each night. When they are finished reading it, they can take a test on it at school.

Study for upcoming tests:

Math – Ch 10 Fractions: use Ch 10 Review pg 301-302 in Take Home Folder; vocab- fraction, numerator, denominator, equivalent fractions, mixed number; be able to match fraction with the model, compare fractions, write fraction or mixed number, equivalent fractions, add and subtract fractions, identify fractions on number line

Bible- students may use their workbook to study and a study guide sheet in their take home folder

Reading- Comprehension Quiz- students read a short story and answer questions about it using the story. No test on Charlotte’s Web this week.

Weekly Focus:

Bible-Paul’s Third Missionary Journey: strengthening churches (Acts 19:8-12), showing God’s power (Acts 19:17-29), power of encouragement (Acts 20:7-12,19-24), future persevering (Acts 21:10-15), vocab- endure, riot

Reading- Charlotte’s Web Chapters 19-20, vocab-languishing, carousing, gorge, trifle, desolation, forlorn

Math- Ch 8-10 review p303-304, Ch 11: decimal place value p307-308, tenths p309-310, hundredths p311-312

English- Ch 11: identify sentences with mixed sentence patterns, identify beginning and ending quotes, quotation rules, editing sentences with quotations, writing book review, vocab- generous, investigate

Social Studies- Ch 5 Louisiana becomes a state, territory and statehood, right to vote, changes in Louisiana, King Cotton; vocab- territory, legislature, industry, cash crop


April 24-28, 2023

By Mrs. Kathryn MiltonNo Comments

Study Guide                         

Bible Lesson 29: Easter

Memory Verse: Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him, and we are healed by his wounds.

  1. There is no correlation between the secular tradition and the Christian celebration of Easter. It is important to remember the reason for celebrating Easter– Jesus died to give believers salvation.
  2. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet at the Last Supper to exemplify love, selflessness, and submission. Christians should serve and encourage the people.
  3. Christians remember Jesus’ sacrifice by taking part in the Lord’s Supper or Communion.
  4. At the Last Supper, Jesus foretold Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s denial.
  5. The Easter account accurately fulfills every Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah’s death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.
  6. Before His arrest, Jesus had His disciples come with Him to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Jesus was in such agony that His sweat was like drops of blood. He prayed fervently for God to remove the suffering but remained in submission to the Father’s will. God gave Him grace and strength to endure.
  7. Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Jesus was arrested, and Peter gave in to temptation and denied Jesus three times.
  8. Jesus was crucified at Golgotha. King of the Jews was written on a sign and placed above His head. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” He meant that the debt had been paid in full – forgiveness of sin and salvation had come for those who would believe. Jesus suffered in the place of sinners so they could receive God’s grace of eternal life.
  9. Jesus was resurrected three days after His death. His resurrection is a guarantee that everything the Bible says about Him is accurate, and everyone who has faith in Him will live with Him forever. The Resurrection also demonstrates the power of God over death and sin.
  10. The disciples changed from being afraid to spreading the good news about Jesus Christ. Many died as martyrs because of their love and faith in Jesus.
  11. Jesus ascended into heaven 40 days after His resurrection.
  12. Jesus gave His disciples and all believers the Great Commission – to be His witnesses and to make disciples of all nations.
  13. Christians today have the same mission as the first disciples–to selflessly be witnesses for Christ and to spread the gospel, serving and encouraging one another in love.
  14. Old Testament prophecies about Christ that were fulfilled include:
  • He would suffer and be rejected.
  • He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, arrested, and judged. 
  • His clothes would be distributed by casting lots.
  • He would be hung on a tree.
  • His hands and feet would be pierced; no bones would be broken.
  • He would die alongside sinners.
  • He would bear the weight of everyone’s sin. 
  • He would defeat death.

Spelling Lesson 32

format – an arrangement

uniformity – the quality of having always the same form

conformed – past tense of conform; molded

transformed – past tense of transform; changed

rupture – to cause a break in something

abruptly – suddenly

interruption – a break in a conversation or activity

obstruct – to block; hinder

structure – a building

instructor – a person who builds knowledge; a teacher

destruction – ruin

constructed – past tense of construct; built

solar – relating to the sun

eclipse – a partial or total obscuring of one celestial body by another

corona – the outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere

nuclear – of or relating to atomic forces

magnetic – having the quality of magnetism

prominence – a cloud-like mass of gas that arises from the chromosphere of the sun

photosphere – the luminous surface layer of the sun

postscript – lines written after the text has ended


Test Schedule for April 24-28, 2023

No Spelling Pretest this week

Bible Test – Lesson 28 Jeremiah Perseveres Tuesday, April 25

Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story Comprehension Friday, April 28

Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, April 27

Spelling Word Test – Friday, April 28

Read and Comprehend Cold Read – Friday, April 28

Language Test – Unit 8 Friday, April 28

Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework (i.e., math)

Study for upcoming tests.

Read AR for 20 minutes each night

Weekly Focus: April 24-28, 2023

Bible – Easter Lesson 29

Reading – Small Steps Part II

Math – Fractions

Language – Unit 8 apostrophes, colons hyphens, semicolons, underlining

Social Studies – Colonies

April 24th-28th

By Mrs. Aimee KidderNo Comments

Bible verse            Galatians 6:9

We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time. We must not give up!


Spelling List: 32

List: 32

  1. taken
  2. broken
  3. cousin
  4. open
  5. lessons
  6. bacon
  7. buttons
  8. gallons
  9. eleven
  10. robin
  11. human
  12. common
  13. glisten
  14. sunken
  15. heavens
  16. frozen
  17. person
  18. happens
  19. sight
  20. expect


Test Schedule:

Reading: Charlotte’s Web Chapters 16-18 (Tuesday, April 25th)


Bible:  Bible verse only Chapter 32 (Friday, April 28th)

Spelling: List 32 (Friday, April 28th)

Math: Chapter 11 (Friday, April 28th)


Homework: (homework is assigned on Monday and due on Friday) (math homework will be graded) (LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE TAKEN)

  • Reading- Read an A.R. book on your level for 30 minutes each night. Students can take an A.R. quiz at school when a book is finished.


Weekly Focus:

  • Bible- Chapter 32 Paul’s Journey to Rome Important vocabulary: courageous- very brave even when afraid; hospitality- showing kindness and welcoming visitors
  • Reading- Charlotte’s Web– Chapters 16-18
  • Math- Chapter 11 Decimals- place value, tenths, hundredths, comparing and ordering decimals, reading and writing decimals
  • English- Chapter 19 recognizing fact and opinion
  • Social Studies- Chapter 7 People of Louisiana

Important vocabulary: boom, boycott, discrimination, rural

April 24-28

By UncategorizedNo Comments

April 24-28


Monday: STEAM night 5-8

Thursday: Spirit Day—Wear spirit shirt (Eagle Shirt) and jeans with school shoes

Sports award night 5:30-6:30

Bible Verse— Recite

1 Thessalonians 5:11 So comfort each other and give each other strength, just as you are doing now.

Spelling Words— final syllable with –le

castle               waffle             bicycle             eagle                July

pickle              buckle             people             bubble            hours

jungle              puzzle             middle             uncle

turtle               ankle               whistle apple

Classwork: please do not work ahead

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Spelling p.129 p.130 p. 131 p. 132 Test
Cursive p.  149 p.150 p. 151 p. 152 Test
Bible p. 125-126 p. 127 Chapel p. 128 Test
Reading p.316

Comprehension Test

p. 317-318


p. 319-320 p. 321-322 p. 323-324


Language Acrostic Poem All About poem 5 words poem Simile Poem Book Review
Math p. 353-354


p. 355-356


p. 357-358 p. 359-360 p. 361-362
Social Studies Classwork Activity 101 Classwork Activity 103-104 Activity 105


Test Schedule:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


    Social Studies Vocabulary 5.3


Spelling Test

Cursive Test

Bible Test



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