Last Day AR = May 12, 2023
Study Guide
Bible Lesson 31: Ezra Leads Worship
Memory Verse: John 4:23 But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him.
- The first return from the exile in Babylon was led by Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple; the second return was led by Ezra to restore worship and the knowledge of God’s Word; the third return was of Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall with the help of the Jewish people already in Jerusalem.
- The word worship means to attribute great worth to God.
- The illustration of mixing colored water represents the mixing of religions or cultures. When religions or cultures are mixed, beliefs and customs are blended or compromised.
- The danger of a believer marrying an unbeliever is two-fold: it can dilute the believer’s faith, and it can influence children away from faith in God.
- Ezra was astonished that the people had so quickly begun marrying unbelieving women, even though God forbade it and history had taught them about its dangers.
- Ezra led his people by example. He advised the Israelite men to send their unbelieving wives and children away.
- When Ezra read the Word of God to the Israelites, it convicted, corrected, and instructed them. The power of God’s Word is seen when they were willing to stand for hours to listen and they were grieved over their sins and wanted to change.
- The Israelites showed respect by listening to God’s Word with undivided attention. They were sorry for their sins and rejoiced, worshiping God genuinely.
- The word fast means to go without eating for a time.
10.The word sackcloth refers to a rough and scratchy fabric often worn in Bible days to show humility before God.
- A repentant and believing heart is required for salvation.
- Baptism and the Lord’s Supper symbolize Christ’s death, burial and resurrection.
- The similarities between Old Testament worship and New Testament worship are:
- To worship God for who He is
- To read and teach God’s Word
- To pray and praise
- To sing and play music to glorify Him
- To give tithes and offerings
- To fellowship
The differences between them are:
- Old Testament–rituals and sacrifices with feasts
- New Testament–witnessing about Christ, the Lord’s Supper, and baptism.
- People in the Old Testament came to God through faith in God and in the coming Messiah. People in the New Testament and believers today also come to God through faith, but it is faith in Christ’s completed work–His death, burial, and resurrection.
- A relationship with God can be improved through learning His Word, trusting Him, praying, praising Him, worshiping Him, tithing, fasting, and witnessing.
Spelling Lesson 34
elite – the best of a group
liberty – the state of being free
quiche – a pie with an egg-and-cream mixture and meat and vegetable ingredients
traitor – a person who betrays another’s trust
trophy – an award given in acknowledgment of a victory
essays – nonfiction writings about personal points of view
bureau – 1. A chest of drawers; a dresser 2. An office or agency
plateau – a level area of land that is raised sharply above adjacent land on at least one side
bizarre – odd
attorney – a lawyer
ensemble – a group of performers
government – the act or process of having control; people who rule
energy – effort; power
gaseous – having the form of gas
telescope – a device used for viewing objects at a distance
luminosity – the state of emitting or reflecting light
composition – the different parts of which something is made
astronomer – a person who makes observations of matter that is outside of the earth’s atmosphere; space scientist
constellations – groups of stars
contemporary – happening during the same period of time; modern; current
Test Schedule for May 8 – 12, 2023
No Spelling Pretest this week
Bible Test – Lesson 30 Daniel Tuesday, May 9
Bible Test – Lesson 31 Ezra Friday, May 12
Reading Tests – Vocabulary and Story Comprehension Friday, May 12
Spelling Definition Test – Thursday, May 11
Spelling Word Test – Friday, May 12
Read and Comprehend Cold Read – Friday, May 12
Language – Capitalization rules test Friday, May 12
Homework: Please check your child’s agenda for daily homework (i.e., math)
Study for upcoming tests.
Read AR for 20 minutes each night
Weekly Focus: May 8-12, 2023
Bible – Ezra Leads Worship – Lesson 31
Reading – Small Steps Part III
Math – Chapter 10
Language – Unit 9 Capitalization Rules
Social Studies – The Colonies Unite